Psychological Assessment Services
As an expert in psychometrics, measurement, and assessment, I offer a variety of psychological testing services including psychological and neurocognitive assessments for legal and non-legal proceedings and psychodiagnostic assessments for treatment planning.
Psychological assessment is a process of testing that uses a combination of techniques to help arrive at a hypothesis about your behaviors and personality. I pride myself in my ability to conduct thorough assessments of you as an individual, similar to a medical examination, where I systematically examine the information gathered from an assessment and weave it into a comprehensive and complete picture of your competencies, struggles, and capabilities. Recommendations are based on all the assessment results and on discussions with yourself and others who may be able to shed light on you as a complex and unique individual. This person-centered, thorough, and caring approach to testing, coupled with my expertise in psychometrics and measurement, helps me understand you in an objective and accurate manner with focus on your individual strengths. The results of the tests will help inform and develop a treatment plan to facilitate success in your life.